Romans 1.25 - Worship – It’s What we Do

Romans 1.25 - Worship – It’s What we Do

Worship is an evidence of humanity. You might think that cat purring on your lap worships you exclusively, yet find it another food-source and the purring will resume. But humans are wired to thrust their whole-souled devotion to something…or Someone. Before our Fall into sin the “image bearers of God” looked loyally to Him. That loyal look was broken, but humans are still wired to worship – highest allegiance, passionate zeal, undeterred devotion – call it what you like, its worship. Now we worship lovers, heroes, attainments, possessions, traditions, religions, and even ourselves.  “…they exchanged the truth about God for a lie and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator” (Romans 1.25). In Revelation true worship is restored, the redeemed and reconciled are forever rejoicing. Boring? Ask two lovers lingering over an afternoon cappuccino as they gaze into each other’s eyes where the time went.