1 Corinthians 9.21-23 - Two Friends for Our Friends

1 Corinthians 9.21-23 - Two Friends for Our Friends

Our message of Jesus Christ should “comfort the disturbed and disturb the comfortable.” Mr. Gospel – the amazing news that God has given us His Son to be our Savior from sin, death, and hell – gives us eternal comfort. Mr. Law – the solemn news that God is holy and upholds a righteous standard by which we will be judged – is deeply disturbing. Our friend Mr. Law says what we do is important, seen and recorded by God who will hold us accountable. And Mr. Gospel knows what a mess we have made of things and freely offers full legal forgiveness and reconciliation with our holy God. Our friends who rely in their money, pleasures, or status need to know that comfort has an expiry date. Mr. Law says that. And when their hearts are broken and ready to repent and be saved….say hello to Mr. Gospel!!