Galatians 2.12 - "I Used to Love You"

Galatians 2:12 - “I Used to Love You”

Love is a big risk. Whether it is affection for your cat or classmate, your study partner or potential spouse - using the “L” word is fraught with dangers. Once a “heart goes out” for someone feelings are easily bruised.  No doubt there was a warm bond of affection between the Apostle Peter and the largely Gentile congregation he visited in Antioch. Their “love feasts” (i.e. pot-luck dinners in the earliest church) flowed joyfully into the “Lord’s Supper.” Until one sad day:
he drew back and separated himself” (Galatians 2:12). The noble Apostle became a ‘no-good’ heartbreaker. The pain in Antioch was that of any spurned lover. Love smash-ups are always heartrending. The toxic spill-over can even be devastating in churches. I think Peter heeded Paul’s challenge, and things got sorta patched up. But never quite like before – for any of them. Tread lovingly.