Galatians 2.20 - Who are you?

Galatians 2.20 - Who are you?

One of the most unsettling things about moving to a new place is trying to re-establish your identity. Back home you were someone’s child, sibling, friend, student, and colleague. Now all those someone’s are an ocean away from Beijing. Here people call us lots of things. People love labels! So we start back at the beginning becoming just that black guy, or white girl, or old man. One pastor once advised me, “Define yourself before everyone else does!” We should know who we are no matter where in the world we are found. In our text John the Baptizer identifies himself. We learn from him that our most basic identity in this world is who we are because of the Maker and Messiah of this world. Knowing clearly, and living consistently, with who you are is an important part of spiritual maturity. Who are you, in Christ?