Galatians 3.28 - Level Ground

Galatians 3.28 - Level Ground

Men and women have equal standing before God in Christ. “There is neither…male nor female…for you are all one in Christ Jesus” (Galatians 3.28). Men and women are equally justified by faith (v. 24), equally free from legalism’s bondage (v. 25), equally God’s children (v. 26), equally clothed with Christ (v. 27), equally possessed by Christ (v. 29), and equally heirs of the promises to Abraham (v. 29). Wives are “joint-heirs of the gracious gift of life” (1 Peter 3.7). Jesus and His Apostles were great emancipators of women, treating them with dignity and respect (Luke 8.1-3, Ephesians 5.25-29, 1 Timothy 5.2,3, 1 Peter 3.7). Christianity brings liberation and opportunity for women all around the world, as the gospel transforms cultural prejudices against women. Never in human history had anyone even imagined a wife whose husband would “lay down” his life for her --- just like Jesus did for us!