Ephesians 3 - Ponder This!

Ephesians 3 - Ponder This!

You would have to be a real spiritual dolt to not get at least a flutter of soul-stirring wonder from the declarations made by Paul in Ephesians chapters 1 and 2. If just half these astounding claims are true (I believe they ALL are!) we should all fall on our faces giving God unreserved praise for all our days! Really!! The Creator God has brought defiant rebels into His gracious embrace through the horrific slaughter of His Beloved Son!...Chosen…Adopted…Redeemed…Sealed…a Salvation that is at once “tailor-made personal” (each dead sinner is uniquely brought to life!) and “seamlessly fashions” every believer into His ransomed family. Well, sadly, there is a lot of dolt going around, even here in wonderful BICF ZGC! We hear this amazing news and don’t even look up from our affectionately-cuddled phones!  So, in Ephesians 3, the Apostle tries to wake us, again, by proclamation and prayer…