Ephesians 5.32 - Marriage in Heaven

Ephesians 5.32 -Marriage in Heaven?

Earthly marriage offers companionship, comfort, and intimate pleasures. At best it reflects our relationship with God in Christ. Ultimately all human needs, indeed everything we need, flow from God our Maker. So, here on earth, marriage is a transitional reminder of the love of God. Seeing Jesus “face to face” will be the real “wedding day” for every believer in Him. We’ll all live in the eternal embrace of our Maker and Savior - the chasm between heaven and earth eclipsed. His perfect love will deeply unite all His followers to one another and to Him. Sin which separates will be forever gone!  No more language barriers, alienation, competition, or awkwardness. “Soul mates” is not a strong enough term. Mystery about heaven remains, but certainly we will be His Bride. And with such a glorious, gracious Bridegroom, we will not want a Barbie Doll or a pacifier.