Ephesians 6.4 - You're the Man, Dad!

Ephesians 6.4 - You’re the Man, Dad!

God still uses traveling evangelists today like He did in ancient Nineveh. Yet most often He uses ordinary means like faithfulness, friendship, and family. He wants us to show Jesus as we speak about Him. Dads have a huge responsibility! Statistics from the West show that if a child is taken to church on a regular basis by their family there is an 80% chance they’ll continue that good habit into adulthood. If just Mom takes the kids that number drops to 30%. But if just Dad takes the kiddos to church there is a 70% chance it will stick in the years to come. Kids are deeply impressed when God really matters to Dad, and when He does not. So, men, when God blesses you with a family, they are your most important responsibility, and you are their most influential example – and the family priest!