1 Timothy 6.18 - Legalism

1 Timothy 6.18 - Legalism

Christians must “adorn the gospel” (Titus 2.10) by being “rich in good works” (1 Timothy 6.18). So, why does Jesus bust on these legends of obedience? “Pharisee” is a modern insult, but they were Super-stars of First-Century Judaism.  Legalists do the right stuff, for wrong reasons. They’re hard to spot. They look as authentic, often more so, than Christians. But they can be sniffed out by their harshness, pride, or critical spirit. It is exhausting trying to earn favor with a Holy God. And, they’re angry with those who don’t try as hard - or don’t appreciate all they do. Their standard is not Scripture, their motive is not love, their goal is not the glory of God. Their spotlight shifted from the Worthy Savior to their Wonderful Selves! Fight legalism by practicing an honest, humble, examination of your sinfulness, and a joyful, confident, loving embrace of your Savior - daily.