2 Timothy 3.16,17 - A Perfect Fit

2 Timothy 3.16,17 - A Perfect Fit

Reading through the Bible is challenging. I’m now reading Leviticus…dare I use the word…boring!? As we see Jesus in the wilderness, know that He did not have those verses from Deuteronomy memorized simply because He is God. No, he learned them the hard way like we do. Bible reading does not always evoke the same instant gratification of “likes” for your clever postings, or the excitement of watching Star Wars - neither does learning Mandarin, running a Marathon, or earning a Ph.D. Yet we willingly put in the time and endure the pain for these passing laurels. But the work of learning Scripture bears eternal fruit - it builds your faith, revives your spirit, and restores your soul. Consider this, God breathed into Adam and also into the Scriptures (Genesis 2, 2 Timothy 3.16) – the Word was made for us, and we’ve been made for the Word.