Hebrews 13.4 - Three Letter Word

Hebrews 13.4 - Three Letter Word

We hear it – and see it – all day long nearly everywhere we go. It sells, from soap to sports cars, to the faces – and forms – that deliver our daily news.  It is the theme of our songs and the torment that keeps us from sleep. But it is taboo talk in many churches. So, even though we have the Owner’s Manual, many Christians are modern Corinthians – shaped by society not Scripture. As friends and family suffer from the pains of their permissiveness, our Gospel hope must speak truth to love. It is good, beautiful, and powerful. That’s why the world is so gripped by it. But like any sophisticated device we buy, it is best when used as intended by the Manufacturer. Like any of God’s good gifts, this one is best enjoyed when received as from Him, for Him, and given to lead us to Him.