Revelation 1 - Dare we Domesticate our Deity?

Revelation 1 - Dare we Domesticate our Deity?

So, you've got this Christian thing the whole Bible last year (again!) wouldn't swallow a bite that has not been blessed...and the kids have memorized Veggie Tales. Well done. True discipleship demands discipline. But one danger in "spiritual routines" is forgetting that the Christ we "cozy up" with is Almighty God. John served Jesus 50 years before receiving this Revelation, yet he never descended to "been there, done that." When he beheld his friend Jesus - ascended and glorious - "I fell at his feet as though dead" (1.17). When burdened by this world's plight, "I began to weep loudly because no one was found worthy..." (5.4). When quizzed about those in white robes, he defers, "Sir, you know" (7.14). This gracious Apocalypse was given to us through humble John, our "brother and partner in the tribulation and the kingdom and the patient endurance that are in Jesus" (1.9).