Revelation 2 and 3 - Toleration: Old and New

Revelation 2 and 3 - Toleration - Old and New

Donald Carson has some helpful thoughts (Talk: "Must One Choose between Truth and Tolerance?" and ( Text: "The Intolerance of Tolerance" - Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing, 2012) that highlight the struggles we share with the Seven churches of Asia. We have seen how out of step these first Century believers were with their surrounding society. Old toleration, according to Carson, means that people who would not tolerate another faith or lifestyle for themselves were happy to live peacefully with those they differ in a pluralistic society. But "New" toleration - seem in Revelation 2 & 3! - says those who disagree with my religion or lifestyle should not even exist! So bombs hew those "other guys" for being Shia' or Kikuyu or Mestizo or Evangelical. Scouts, or churches, or your own business that does not embrace all "lifestyles" should just be shut down! New toleration is no toleration.