Revelation 2.18-29 - Maybe Modern Church problems are Not So Modern

Revelation 2.18-29 - Maybe Modern Church problems are Not So Modern....??

“The more we understand what is represented in these churches, the more we see that John's vision speaks strongly to the church in every age. In many denominations today there is a three-way division. On the one side are those who, at various levels and in diverse ways, seek to live lives of faithful Christian discipleship. These are often labeled 'conservatives,' or 'fundamentalists,' or 'evangelicals.' On the other side are those who, in equal diversity, adopt various apostate or heretical perspectives and behaviors. These are often labeled 'liberals,' or 'radicals.' In the middle are those who, for various reasons, ally themselves with neither side but 'tolerate' the extremes of both sides for the sake of preserving the myth of structural or denominational 'loyalty' or 'unity.' The Thyatiran church is alive and as sick as ever in our day.”

M. Robert Mulholland, Jr.