Revelation 5.9,10 - #selfie

Revelation 5.9,10 - #selfie?

How quickly I have become the old fart out of step with the fast-moving world around me. Seems just a short time ago I looked with pity on my parents who could not understand my long hair, music, and cool ideas. Now I despair the self-absorption around me, in the church, and even inside me. Our world is placarded with the latest "i" gadgets and subways are packed with people compliantly staring at their widgets. Best of all you can take pictures of yourself! Anytime! Anywhere! Pixels capture you with your friends - dolled up, having fun, drinking too much, much driving, even naked in front of the mirror. And when the impulse to share self-mementos is too strong, thank God for the world-wide-web!! How different is the book of Revelation. Not even a 'shout out' to Billy Graham or the Pope, just a zealous focus on a wondrous Lamb.