Working with Teams

Team Ministry in the International Church as seen in the Book of Acts

Team ministry is seen throughout the Bible, from Noah's boys who helped Dad craft the Ark, to the armies of heaven who witness the final victory of Christ our Captain. Moses follows wise advice and creates a leadership team for dispensing judgement. The constant worship of God is overseen by a large team of Aaronic priests. And the team of prophets even had their own 'school.' Our Lord Himself had three, and twelve, and seventy that played key roles in His earthly ministry.  

The International Church of the Risen Jesus commences in Acts. God has had a people for His Name since Eden onward. But Pentecost unveils the global nature of God's people. The mission to forge those from every tongue, tribe, and nation into one family of faith in Jesus begins in Acts. "They are called Christians first"  in the cosmopolitan city of Antioch, the launching site of world outreach. And, as we see in all of Scripture, team ministry is also a key component throughout the book of Acts. Let us consider some lessons about Team Ministry in the International Church from the message of Acts under two main headings....


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